Judy Rosovsky
Organization: Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets, Department of Agriculture
Contact Information
E-mail: judy.rosovsky@vermont.gov
Work phone: 802-828-1317
Judy works with research biologists on a variety of forest health projects, ranging from insect diversity to acid rain monitoring with the goal of facilitating communication between research scientists, politicians and the lay public; and to archive and make forest ecosystem and other ecological information available in an accessible manner to a wider audience. Until recently Judy taught as an adjunct instructor in local colleges, primarily at Johnson State College. Judy previously split her time between FEMC and the USDA’s APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program, which is a regulatory arm of the USDA. She is now the State Entomologist for the state of Vermont
List of Projects
Project | Role | Start | End |
Proctor Maple Research Center Meteorological Monitoring: (399 m) | Participant | 1988-06-01 | Ongoing |
Vermont Acid Precipitation Monitoring Program | Site Operator | 1980-01-01 | Ongoing |
National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) | Site Operator | 1984-06-01 | Ongoing |
Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network | Site Operator | 1993-01-01 | 2013-05-30 |
Tree Nutrition Status on Long-term Soil Monitoring Plots | Participant | 2000-07-01 | 2000-10-31 |
Wet Deposition of Mercury at Proctor Maple Research Center (Mercury Deposition Network-MDN) | Site Operator | 2004-07-27 | 2016-01-19 |
Name | Date | Authors | Type |
Amphibian Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield Update: 2015 | 2016 | James Andrews, Judy Rosovsky | Annual Report |
Meteorological Conditions at VMC Sites, 1998 | 1998 | Tim Scherbatskoy, Carl Waite, Judy Rosovsky | Annual Report |
Vermont Monitoring Cooperative 1998 Annual Report | 1998 | Sandra Wilmot, Judy Rosovsky, Phil Girton, Jennifer Supple | Report |
Meteorological Conditions at VMC Sites, 1997 | 1997 | Tim Scherbatskoy, Carl Waite, Judy Rosovsky | Annual Report |
Meteorological Conditions at the Vermont Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Sites | 1996 | Tim Scherbatskoy, Judy Rosovsky | Annual Report |