- Principal Investigator
- E-mail: jennifer.pontius@uvm.edu
- Work phone: (802) 656-3091
My research is cross-disciplinary with the ultimate goal of scaling plot-based forest health relationships to a landscape-scale using remote sensing and GIS modeling. To date, this work has focused on the detection and mapping of pre-visual forest decline symptoms resulting from invasive species, global climate change and acid deposition/nutrient depletion. These techniques provide a much-needed tool for the early detection of new and existing stressors and will allow forest management agencies to focus management efforts before stands are severely impacted.
- Database and Web Developer
- E-mail: soren.donisvitch@uvm.edu
I was raised in the Kingdom in Irasburg, spending the vast majority of my time building forts and wandering the forests, later turning to mountain biking and skiing as means of exploring. I attended college for a short time in New Jersey, quickly realized that despite the name there were no Jersey cows there, and came running back home. UVM accepted my fleeing self and I completed a BS in computer science there. Having a CS degree, I then went to work far away from any computers for the GMC as a caretaker on Mt. Abe and trail crew for RMC in NH. That lead me to the Whites and a windy four year stint at the Mount Washington Observatory as a weather observer and IT specialist. After that, I worked on and off at the OGE before getting back into field work, working at Toolik Field Station in arctic Alaska for two summers in support of the Arctic LTER and recently spent the winter at Summit Station on the Greenland icesheet with four other folks for five months. I'm really excited to be back to the place I've always called home, feel very fortunate to have found a way to combine my programming interested with my field work experiences in a place I care so much about, and look forward to working with a bunch of really great folks! As for interests, I love biking and climbing in the summer and getting into the backcountry on my splitboard in the winter. I also love dogs, puns, and playing the harmonica, usually blues or Irish fiddle tunes. I live in Winooski with my partner, Em, and dog, Ida.
- Director
- E-mail: soren.donisvitch@uvm.edu
- Work phone: soren.donisvitch@uvm.edu
Jim Duncan serves as the director of the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative, where he's helping to make long-term monitoring data on Vermont's forested ecosystems more accessible, more interoperable and more useful for seeing and responding to change, as well as building new regional networks for greater collaboration in environmental monitoring. He also supports interdisciplinary teams in UVM's Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources with spatiotemporal analysis and integration of social and ecological data. He previously worked to increase transparency in the oil, gas and mining sectors by giving decision makers and citizens tools to map and interact with data, including in Mongolia and Ghana.
- Site Operator
- E-mail: mim.pendleton@uvm.edu
- Work phone: (802) 899-9926
Mim has worked for the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative at the Underhill Proctor Maple Research Center since the mid-1990s.
- Field Technician and Data Assistant
- E-mail: Judy.Rosovsky@jsc.edu
- Work phone: (802) 899-9926
Current Interns
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