Profile picture for Jennifer Pontius

Jennifer Pontius

Affiliations: University of Vermont

Contact Information


My research is cross-disciplinary with the ultimate goal of scaling plot-based forest health relationships to a landscape-scale using remote sensing and GIS modeling. To date, this work has focused on the detection and mapping of pre-visual forest decline symptoms resulting from invasive species, global climate change and acid deposition/nutrient depletion. These techniques provide a much-needed tool for the early detection of new and existing stressors and will allow forest management agencies to focus management efforts before stands are severely impacted.

List of Projects

Project Role Start End
Forest Health MonitoringProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1991-06-01 Ongoing
Forest Condition Change in Northern Vermont: Potential causes and implications for landscape-scale analysisParticipant 2011-05-01 2011-08-31
Snowpack Monitoring Using Wireless TechnologyProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2011-10-01 2013-06-01
Northeastern Forest Health Trend Index Derived from Landsat ImageryProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2011-01-01 2012-12-31
EPSCOR Vegetative Phenology Metric DataProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2015-09-01 2016-12-31