Project Overview

Determine the distribution of areas sensitive to deposition of sulfur and nitrogen; determine the current status of sensitive areas utilizing atmospheric deposition of nitrogen; determine the degree of base cation leaching and aluminum mobilization (use soil, vegetation, land use history assocations to identify impacts); verify deposition thresholds; and assess impacts to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems if under the PSD process.


1) Identify major site characteristics of the Lye Brook Wilderness including vegetation, land use, geology, soils and wetlands. 2) Characterize the chemistry of the streams of the Lye Brook Wilderness. 3) Determine the spatial and seasonal variability in streamwater chemistry as a function of known soil, geological, vegetative and land use drivers. 4) Locate areas in the Lye Brook Wilderness that may be susceptible to acid deposition.

Dataset Availability

Downloadable: 1 dataset

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Status - Completed

Start date: 1994-05-01

End date: 1996-10-18

Study Area

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