Details and Metadata
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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
No methods recorded for this dataset
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name | Caption | Description | Additional Information |
hardwood_consumption_(Mbf) | hardwood_consumption_(Mbf) | The amount of hardwoods commercially sold in a given year (Mbf=thousand board feet) | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
hardwood_log_exports_(Mbf) | hardwood_log_exports_(Mbf) | The amount of hardwood logs exported out of Vermont (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
hardwood_log_imports_(Mbf) | hardwood_log_imports_(Mbf) | The amount of hardwood logs imported into Vermont (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
hardwood_pulpwood_(cds) | hardwood_pulpwood_(cds) | The amount of hardwoods sold as pulpwood (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
hardwood_roundwood_(cds) | hardwood_roundwood_(cds) | The amount of hardwoods sold as roundwood (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
hardwood_sawlogs_(Mbf) | hardwood_sawlogs_(Mbf) | The amount hardwoods sold as sawlogs (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
Mills_(#) | Mills_(#) | The number of Vermont sawmills and veneer mills reporting. | Measurement type: Ratio Units: number of mills Precision: 1 |
mill_residues_fuel_(gt) | mill_residues_fuel_(gt) | The amount of mill residues sold as fuel wood (gt=green tons). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: gt Precision: 1 |
mill_residues_pulp_(gt) | mill_residues_pulp_(gt) | The amount of mill residues sold as pulp wood (gt=green tons). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: gt Precision: 1 |
softwood_log_exports_(Mbf) | softwood_log_exports_(Mbf) | The amount of softwood logs exported out of Vermont (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
softwood_consumption_(Mbf) | softwood_consumption_(Mbf) | The amount of softwoods commercially sold in a given year (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
softwood_log_imports_(Mbf) | softwood_log_imports_(Mbf) | The amount of softwood logs imported into Vermont (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
softwood_pulpwood_(cds) | softwood_pulpwood_(cds) | The amount of softwood sold as pulpwood (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
softwood_roundwood_(cds) | softwood_roundwood_(cds) | The amount of softwood sold as roundwood (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
softwood_sawlogs_(Mbf) | softwood_sawlogs_(Mbf) | The amount of softwood sold as sawlogs (Mbf=thousand board feet) | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
TH_North_(cds) | Total Northern Harvest (cds) | Northern harvest refers to the amount of timber harvested in counties included in the USDA FS Forest Inventory and Analysis North Survey Unit: Caledonia, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, and Washington (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
TH_South_(cds) | Total Southern Harvest cds) | Southern harvest refers to the amount of timber harvested in counties included in the USDA FS Forest Inventory and Analysis South Survey Unit: Addison, Bennington, Chittenden, Rutland, Windham, and Windsor (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
Total_Consumption_(Mbf) | Total_Consumption_(Mbf) | The total amount of wood commercially sold across the state in a given year (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
Total_Harvest_(cds) | Total_Harvest_(cds) | The total amount of timber harvested across Vermont in a given year (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
Total_Log_Exports_(Mbf) | Total_Log_Exports_(Mbf) | The total amount of logs exported out of Vermont in a given year (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
Total_Log_Imports_(Mbf) | Total_Log_Imports_(Mbf) | The total amount of logs imported into Vermont in a given year (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
Total_Mill_Residues_(gt) | Total_Mill_Residues_(gt) | The total amount of mill residues sold commercially in a given year (gt=green tons). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: gt Precision: 1 |
Total_Pulpwood_(cds) | Total_Pulpwood_(cds) | The total amount of pulpwood sold commercially in a given year (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
Total_Roundwood_Fuelwood_(cds) | Total_Roundwood_Fuelwood_(cds) | The total amount of roundwood fuelwood sold commercially in a given year (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
Total_Sawlogs_(Mbf) | Total_Sawlogs_(Mbf) | The total amount of sawlogs sold commercially in a given year (Mbf=thousand board feet). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: Mbf Precision: 1 |
Total_Whole_Tree_Chips_(gt) | Total_Whole_Tree_Chips_(gt) | The total amount of whole tree chips sold commercially in a given year (gt=green tons). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: gt Precision: 1 |
Unknown_(cds) | Unknown Harvest (cds) | Timber harvest volumes reported without a county of origin (cds=cords). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: cds Precision: 1 |
whole_tree_chips_fuel_(gt) | whole_tree_chips_fuel_(gt) | The amount of whole tree chips sold as fuel wood (gt=green tons). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: gt Precision: 1 |
whole_tree_chips_pulp_(gt) | whole_tree_chips_pulp_(gt) | The amount of whole tree chips sold as pulp wood (gt=green tons). | Measurement type: Ratio Units: gt Precision: 1 |
year | year | The year that the data was taken from. | Measurement type: DateTime Date/Time Format: YYYY |
Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
No site characteristics recorded for this dataset