Project Overview

High-frequency monitoring of weather and water quality metrics at Shelburne Pond, Vermont, USA, a shallow hyper-eutrophic system. Data provides information on weather conditions (air temperature, RH, wind speed and direction, and incoming solar radiation) and water quality metrics (DO, water temperature, pH, relative abundance of chlorophyll and phycocyanin, water level, specific conductivity) to examine relationships among biotic and abiotic variables. Data are used for research and teaching to examine the structure and function of a pond system susceptible to frequent, consistent, and intense cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms.


Monitor the environmental conditions at Shelburne Pond, Shelburne, Vermont, USA

Dataset Availability

By request: 2 datasets

See the full list of available data


Status - Active

Start date: 2015-04-21

Study Area

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