Data Availability | Name | Objective | Description | Dates |
Description only | 1991 Branch Ion Deposits | (1) Characterize the ion exchange rates in sugar maple during artificial precipitation events, (2) identifying the relative importance of possible sources and sinks for exchanging ions, (3) relating t issue ion concentrations to ion exchange rates, and (4) developing a mechanistic model predicting canopy ion exchange rates. Read More | Broad goal is to better understand mechanisms controlling foliar ion exchange (foliar leaching and uptake) in forest canopies. | 1991-01-01 to 1992-01-01 |
Description only | 1993 Branch Ion Deposits | (1) characterizing the ion exchange rates in sugar maple during artificial precipitation events, (2) identifying the relative importance of possible sources and sinks for exchanging ions, (3) relating tissue ion concentrations to ion exchange rates, and (4) developing a mechanistic model predicting canopy ion exchange rates Read More | Broad goal is to better understand mechanisms controlling foliar ion exchange (foliar leaching and uptake) in forest canopies. | 1993-01-01 to 1994-01-01 |