Project Overview

Initially this project was part of the National Forest Health Monitoring Program, a collaboration between State forestry agencies, the US Forest Service, and State & Private Foresters. The Ozone Biodindicator Lead for the Forest Service was Dr. Gretchen Smith from UMass Amherst. Our role in Vermont was to be trained by Gretchen, then collect data on cumulative ozone injury during the “ozone window” usually the end of July – early August, before fall color change. If symptoms were found, vouchers were sent to Gretchen for verification. Regional data were gathered and reported by the Forest Service. Vermont also included summary results in annual Conditions Reports.


Monitoring trends in ozone air pollution injury on sensitive species, providing state-level information on where ozone stress occurs and ozone stress trends over time. Providing state-level estimates of the acres of forest land and volume of ozone-susceptible species at risk of ozone impact.

Dataset Availability

Downloadable: 1 dataset

See the full list of available data


Status - Active

Start date: 1997-01-01

Study Area

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