Details and Metadata
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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
Data collection
Started: 1998-07-24Automated station replaced previous equipment to allow for continuous data collection with 15 minute averages,remote QA checks and weekly automated access, 7/24/1998.
Process data
Started: 1988-06-01Hourly and daily averages computed.
Started: 1988-06-01Measurements include ambient air temperature; wind speed, direction and direction variance; relative humidity; precipitation; barometric pressure.
Past Methods (No longer in use)
- Data collection
Started: 1988-06-01
Ended: 1998-07-23Continuous measurements on 10m tower, averaged hourly.
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information RECORDTIME Date and time Date and time when measurements were recorded
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssSAMPLEYEAR Sample Year Sample year of data collection
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: YYYYSAMPLEDAY Day of Year Sample day of year of data collection
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: otherSAMPLETIME Sample Time Sample Ttme of day of data collection
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: hh:mm:ssAIRTEMP Air Temperature Fifteen minute average air temperature
Measurement type: Interval
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 0.01RELHUMID Relative Humidity Fifteen minute average relative humidity
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: dimensionless
Precision: 0.1MAX_WINDSPEED Maximum windspeed Maximum windspeed recorded
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 0.01TIME_MAX_WINDSPEED Time Maximum Windspeed Time when maximum windspeed was recorded
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: hhmmMEAN_HORIZONTAL_WINDSPEED Mean Horizontal Wind Speed Average horizontal windspeed
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 0.01MEAN_RESULTANT_WINDSPEED Mean Resultant Wind Speed Average resultant windspeed
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 0.01MEAN_WIND_DIRECTION Mean Wind Direction Average wind direction
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1STDDEV_WIND_DIRECTION Standard Deviation Wind Direction Standard deviation of wind direction
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1BAROPRESS Barometric Pressure Fifteen minute average barometric pressure
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:PRECIP Precipitation Amount of precipitation measured
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
Current Equipment
Weather sensors, datalogger
Started: 1988-06-01Automated weather sensors mounted on a 10 m tower with a Campbell CR10X datalogger.
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
- Site Description
West slope of Mount Mansfield in an open field at the Proctor Maple Research Center. Site has a west aspect and an 8% slope.