By request | Coarse Debris Data from Down Woody Material Survey | Survey the condition of down woody material at forest health monitoring plots | Data collected on coarse woody debris from the down woody material survey, including species and size of down material | (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Duff Depth Data from Down Woody Material Survey | Survey the condition of down woody material at forest health monitoring plots | Data collected on duff depth from the down woody material survey, including depth of duff, litter and fuel. | (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Fine Debris Data from Down Woody Material Survey | Survey the condition of down woody material at forest health monitoring plots | Data collected on fine woody debris from the down woody material survey | (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Forest Health Monitoring Tree Species Codes | Annual remeasurements of forest plots to determine the condition, trends and relationship to stressors using the same plot design as in the National Forest Health Monitoring Program (NFHM). | Gives the species codes and corresponding taxonomic information for trees monitored as part of the Forest Health Monitoring Project. Also correlates to other project code lists | 1994-01-01 (ongoing) |
Description only | Forest Health Monitoring: Mt Mansfield | To determine the condition, trends and relationship to stressors using the same plot design as in the National Forest Health Monitoring Program (NFHM). | Standard tree size measurements and damage assessments on plots in Mt. Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch Valley. | 1992-01-01 to 2015-12-31 |
By request | Hemispherical Photo Identifying Information | Quantify changes in canopy transparency and closure on forest health monitoring plots | Locations, dates and camera heights for hemispherical photos taken on subplots | 2014-06-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Invasive Species Observations | Track the occurrence and abundance of invasive species on forest health monitoring plots | Invasive species and abundance on subplots | 2014-06-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Lichen Abundance at the Plot Level | Quantify lichen abundance on forest health monitoring plots | Lichen abundance at each plot | 2002-01-01 to 2002-01-01 |
Downloadable | List of Lichen Species Surveyed | Quantify lichen abundance on forest health monitoring plots | List of the lichen species and the corresponding codes for the 2002 lichen survey | 2002-01-01 to 2002-01-01 |
Downloadable | Microplot Fuel Loading from Down Woody Material Survey | Survey the condition of down woody material at forest health monitoring plots | Data collected on fuel loading from the down woody material survey, including shrub and herb height, both live and dead | (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Plot Condition Class | Provide contextual information to forest health measurements | Information on the overall condition of the plot in terms of stand type, age, disturbance and other characteristics | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Plot Identifying Information | Track plot-level information about forest health monitoring plots | Foundational information about plots, including location and status | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Plot Visitation Information | Track plot-level information about forest health monitoring plots | Information about specific visits to the plots | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Prism Measurements on Subplots | Characterize the stand conditions of forest health monitoring subplots | Counts of live and dead stems in a 10-factor prism at each subplot | 2014-06-01 (ongoing) |
By request | Residue Data from Down Woody Material Survey | Survey the condition of down woody material at forest health monitoring plots | Data collected on residue from the down woody material survey | (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Sapling Measurements on Subplots | Inventory and track regeneration processes on forest health monitoring plots | Diameter and species of all saplings on microplots (2.5 to 10 cm DBH) | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Seedling Measurements on Subplots | Inventory and track regeneration processes on forest health monitoring plots | Counts of seedlings on microplot by species | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Subplot Identifying Information | Track subplot-level information about forest health monitoring plots | Foundational information about subplots, including locations, condition and updates | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Subplot Visitation Information | Track subplot-level information about forest health monitoring plots | Information about specific visits to the subplots | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Transect Information from Down Woody Material Survey | Survey the condition of down woody material at forest health monitoring plots | Characteristics of each transect used in the down woody material survey | (ongoing) |
By request | Transparency Photo Identifying Information | Quantify changes in canopy transparency and closure on forest health monitoring plots | Locations, dates and file names of pictures of foliage transparency taken on subplots | 2014-06-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Tree Health and Physiology Measurements | Quantify and track changes in forest health over time | Measurements of a wide range of tree characteristics, including height, diameter, crown condition, health indicators and others | 1992-01-01 (ongoing) |
Downloadable | Yearly Plot-level Summaries of Forest Health Indicators | Annual remeasurements of forest plots to determine the condition, trends and relationship to stressors. | Summaries of forest health metrics at the plot level. | 1994-01-01 to 2012-12-31 |