Profile picture for Jack Witham

Jack Witham

Organization: University of Maine

Affiliations: University of Maine

Contact Information

List of Projects

Project Role Start End
Holt Research Forest Annual Tree Seed CollectionProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1983-05-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Tree Seedling Counts, 1m2 PlotsProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1986-05-01 2017-05-01
Holt Research Forest Timber InventoryProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1984-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Basic DocumentationProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1983-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Salamander Counts and MeasurementsProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1987-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Salamander Stations Timber InventoryProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1994-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Small Mammal Stations Timber InventoryProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1986-05-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, 1m2 plotsProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1993-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, S1 LinesProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1986-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, SubquadratsProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1985-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Oak Seedling SurveyProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2011-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Sapling Mapping, S10 LinesProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1986-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Tree Heights, Estimated and MeasuredProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1984-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Crown Measurements, S10 PlotsProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1989-01-01 1991-01-01
Holt Research Forest Tree RegenerationProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1984-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Tree VolumeProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1984-01-01 Ongoing
Holt Research Forest Bird Behavior ObservationsProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1983-01-01 1990-01-01