
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableCharacteristics of Mt. Mansfield Sampling LocationsCharacterize sample sites of studyCharacteristics of sample sites including elevation, slope, aspect, canopy cover and soil depth, collected from 4 of the 15 subplots (numbers 1, 5, 10 and 15).2013-06-01 to 2013-08-30
DownloadableClimate Summary of Mt. Mansfield Sampling LocationsCompare climate at sampling sitesSummaries of temperature at 3 elevations on Mt Mansfield over a 1 year period2013-05-15 to 2014-05-15
DownloadableOverstory Characteristics at Mt. Mansfield Sampling LocationsDetermine how climate affects population dynamics of plant species in high elevation boreal forests and determine the growth responses of dominant tree species to recent climate changesCharacterization of overstory structure at sample sites including density, frequency and basal area2013-06-01 to 2013-08-30
DownloadableSeedlings at Mt. Mansfield Sampling LocationsDetermine how climate affects population dynamics of plant species in high elevation boreal forestsSpecies id, frequency and density of seedlings (between 50 and 200 cm tall) on 1X1 plots located at each of the 15 subplots/elevation at Mt Mansfield2013-06-01 to 2013-08-30
DownloadableTree Cores taken at Mt. Mansfield Sampling LocationsDetermine how climate affects tree growth and mortalityTwo tree cores from 5-15 trees at the high, middle and low elevations2013-05-15 to 2013-08-31