Profile picture for Tom Simmons

Tom Simmons

Organization: Forests, Parks and Recreation, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

Affiliations: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

Contact Information

List of Projects

Project Role Start End
Tree Phenology Monitoring: Bud developmentParticipant 1991-04-01 Ongoing
Forest Health MonitoringParticipant 1991-06-01 Ongoing
Forest Pest Monitoring: Pear Thrips MonitoringParticipant 1989-05-01 Ongoing
Ozone Bioindicator Plant MonitoringParticipant 1994-06-01 Ongoing
Birch Condition SurveyParticipant 1993-09-08 1999-10-01
Forest Inventory of the Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project area: Revised FOREXParticipant 1995-09-25 1995-10-19
Tree Phenology Monitoring: Fall Color and Leaf DropParticipant 1991-07-15 Ongoing
Forest Pest Monitoring: Forest Tent Caterpillar, Spruce Budworm and Hemlock Looper MonitoringParticipant 1990-06-01 Ongoing
Forest Pest Monitoring: Gypsy Moth MonitoringParticipant 1990-05-01 1995-10-30
Forest Health Monitoring: North American Maple ProjectParticipant 1988-06-01 Ongoing
Forest Health Monitoring: Seasonal variation in crown ratingsParticipant 1991-06-01 1993-08-30
Forest Inventory of the Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project Area: Tree healthParticipant 1996-06-15 1996-08-30
Forest Inventory of the Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project area.: Understory vegetation listParticipant 1996-06-15 1996-08-30
Leaf and Twig Survey: Leaf and twig damage surveyParticipant 1991-06-01 1994-08-30
Tree Phenology Monitoring: Understory plant phenologyParticipant 1991-04-01 Ongoing


Name Date Authors Type
Forest damage assessment at Mt. Mansfield and the Lye Brook Wilderness Area, 1998883630800Tom Simmons, Sandra Wilmot, Trish HansonReport
Forest damage assessment at Mt. Mansfield and The Lye Brook Wilderness Area, 1997852094800Tom Simmons, Sandra Wilmot, Trish HansonReport
Forest damage assessment at Mt. Mansfield and the Lye Brook Wilderness Area, 1996820472400Tom Simmons, Sandra Wilmot, Trish HansonReport
Forest Pest Monitoring on Mount Mansfield - 1995788936400Tom Simmons, Sandra Wilmot, Trish HansonReport
1995 Tree Phenology Monitoring at Mount Mansfield788936400Michael Johnson, Tom Simmons, Sandra WilmotReport
Forest Pest Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield-1994757400400Tom Simmons, Sandra Wilmot, Trish HansonReport
1994 Tree Phenology Monitoring at Mt. Mansfield757400400Tom Simmons, Sandra WilmotReport
Forest Pest Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield-1993725864400Tom Simmons, Sandra Wilmot, Trish HansonReport
1993 Tree Phenology Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield725864400Tom Simmons, Sandra WilmotReport
Forest Pest Surveys on Mount Mansfield-1992694242000Tom Simmons, Sandra Wilmot, Trish HansonReport