
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableTree Fall Color 2001-2003Annual measurements of tree phenology to establish the timing of developmental events and trends, especially as they relate to changes in weather or insect and disease occurrence.Annual measurements of fall color and leaf drop to establish the timing of developmental events and trends, as a measure of forest condition (ie effects of stress events) and long-term changes (ie eff
ects of global climate change).

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2001-08-02 to 2003-10-28
DownloadableTree Phenology 92-07Annual measurements of tree phenology to establish the timing of developmental events and trends, especially as they relate to changes in weather or insect and disease occurrence.color and leaf drop metrics1992-07-28 to 2007-10-26
DownloadableYearly Averages by Species of Fall Color MonitoringAnnual measurements of fall color to establish the timing of developmental events and trends, as a measure of forest condition (ie effects of stress events) and long-term changes (ie effects of global
climate change).

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Annual averages of fall color by species1991-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableYearly Averages by Species of Fall Leaf Drop MonitoringAnnual measurements of leaf drop to establish the timing of developmental events and trends, as a measure of forest condition (ie effects of stress events) and long-term changes (ie effects of global
climate change).

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Annual averages of fall leaf drop, by species1991-01-01 (ongoing)