Downloadable | Ozone Bio-indicator Plants | Detect ozone injury on sensitive native plants, record first occurence data for each species, and evaluate the maximum severity of the damage. | Native plant species known to be senstive to ozone and reliable bioindicators of ozone injury, are monitored annually to determine the presence/absence of injury on up to 10 individuals per species. | 1997-01-01 to 2001-12-31 |
Downloadable | Ozone Bioindicators | Detect ozone injury on sensitive native plants, record first occurence data for each species, and evaluate the maximum severity of the damage. | Ozone sensitive plant species evaluated for injury | 1997-01-01 to 2001-12-31 |
Description only | Ozone Plot Summaries 1997 - 2001 | Detect ozone injury on sensitive native plants, record first occurence data for each species, and evaluate the maximum severity of the damage. | Summaries of ozone plot site indices and injury | 1997-01-01 to 2001-12-31 |