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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
Started: 1992-12-15Year-round daily wet-only precipitation sampling, every sixth day aerosol and vapor phase sampling (24 hour sample). Measurements include: total Hg in precipitation, vapor and particulate phases, 24 other trace elements.
Past Methods (No longer in use)
- Air samples
Started: 1992-12-15
Ended: 1994-10-0524-hour sample of air collected every Wednesday and every 6th day to measure particulate phase levels of mercury.
Instrumentation: Glass-fiber particulate filters for particulate sampling
- Air samples
Started: 1995-01-01
Ended: 2001-12-3124-hour sample of air collected every 6th day to measure particulate phase levels of mercury
Started: 1992-12-15
Ended: 1995-02-04Samples shipped to University of Michigan Air Quality Lab for analysis by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information Batch Batch Batch identifier
Measurement type: Nominal Date On Date On Date the filter pack was put on
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format:Site Site Site code
Measurement type: Nominal Sample # or CTL ng Sample # or CTL ng Sample # or CTL ng
Measurement type: Nominal TAG1 TAG1 Unknown
Measurement type: Nominal STP corrected Air Volume Corrected air volume Air volume corrected to standard temperature and pressure (1013.25mb at 25C)
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Air Volume Units Air Volume Units Units used to measure air volume
Measurement type: Nominal Duration (min) Sample duration Duration the filter pack was in place
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1Hg Mean Field Blank Conc. Mean Field Blank Mercury Concentration Mean concentration of mercury in the field blank
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Avg Analytical Volume Average Analytical Volume Average volume of the analytical group
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Number of Analyses Number of Analyses Number of analyses performed on sample
Measurement type: Ratio
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1Hg Mass on Filter Mass of Mercury on Filter Mass of mercury found on filter
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Hg non-STP corrected RESULT Mercury Concentration (not corrected) Mercury concentration before being corrected to standard temperature and pressure
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Hg STP corrected RESULT Mercury Concentration (corrected) Mercury concentration after being corrected to standard temperature and pressure
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:RESULT UNITS Concentration Units Units used in reporting final concentration results
Measurement type: Nominal % RSD % RSD Unknown
Measurement type: Interval
Unit: unavailable
Precision: 1Analytical Flag Analytical Flag Analytical Flag
Measurement type: Nominal EPA Analytic Remark Code EPA Analytic Remark Code Unknown
Measurement type: Nominal Field Remark Code Field Remark Code Unknown
Measurement type: Nominal Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
Past Sampling Equipment (No longer in use)
Started: 1992-12-16
Ended: 1997-12-29Filter pack with a quartz glass filter and vacuum pump
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
- Site Description
West slope of Mount Mansfield at the Proctor Maple Research Center.