By request | Amphibian Drift Fence Captures on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area | Data collection to make informed recommendations regarding the state status, state rank, and conservation of Vermont’s reptiles and amphibians. | Amphibian capture and physiological data from drift fences operated on Mt. Mansfield and in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area | 1991-06-13 (ongoing) |
By request | Amphibian Egg-mass Counts | Search selected breeding ponds for egg masses of Rana sylvanica and Ambystoma maculatum | Monitor reproductive success of Rana sylvanica and Ambystoma maculatum in relation to environmental conditions | 1991-04-05 to 1996-12-31 |
By request | Amphibian Stream Surveys | Survey and monitor Gyrinophilies porphyriticus and Eurycea bislineata along stream transects in Lye Brook Area | Survey and monitor Gyrinophilies porphyriticus and Eurycea bislineata along stream transects in Lye Brook Area | 1993-04-24 to 2002-08-15 |
By request | Amphibian Survey and Monitoring Drift Fences 2009-current | Data collection to make informed recommendations regarding the state status, state rank, and conservation of Vermont’s reptiles and amphibians. | Combined amphibian survey and monitoring data 2009-2013 | 2009-04-03 to 2013-11-01 |
By request | General Inventory of Amphibians | Collect data from general observations, accidental observations and night time visits to selected sites. | Active surveys of selected sites to establish species presence/absence in habitats not represented by other survey methods. | 1991-04-15 to 1996-12-31 |
By request | Night-Time Amphibian Road Surveys | Conduct night time road surveys | Inventory study area, monitor seasonal abundance of species and identify breeding site locations. | 1991-04-15 to 1995-07-01 |
Downloadable | Young of the Year - All (1991-2006) | Data collection to make informed recommendations regarding the state status, state rank, and conservation of Vermont’s reptiles and amphibians. | Combined tables for all young of year records created from individual species tables from 1991-2006 | 1991-07-09 to 2006-11-08 |