FEMC Data Archive

The project and dataset archive contains monitoring and research information on the region's forested ecosystems. You can browse the entire list below or search in specific themes using the tabs above.

The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative has been monitoring air quality and weather conditions in and around Vermont for over 25 years, and brings together data from across the region relevant to air quality. We operate six meteorological stations independently and coordinate five more, maintain several real-time data streams and dispense data to myriad users throughout the region.

The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative has been collaborating with local and regional partners to monitor, assess and understand how climate change is affecting northeastern forest systems. As our understanding of the magnitude and complexity of the impacts of climate change grows, the need for collaboration, education and a large-scale perspective is critical for managing forests into the future.

The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative has been collaborating with the US Forest Service, Green Mountain National Forest, and state forestry agencies to collect field data and make other forest and vegetation data available from a range of programs and studies. These data form a key foundation in our efforts to understand how environmental forces are shaping the forests in the region

The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative's soil data inventory includes data being collected from a 200-year soil study, the longest running soil mercury dataset in the country and collaborative work with the two SCAN sites in Vermont, as well as data collected across the region on forest soils and their responses to pollution, management and other drivers of change.

The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative's data archive includes many studies on aquatic systems and habitats occurreing in Forests. In addition to data collected by cooperators on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook, we maintain access to a range of water quality datasets from across the region.

The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative's data archive includes research and monitoring of wildlife from across the region, including FEMC-funded studies on amphibian and avian demographics, natural community mapping, insect diversity studies, and other key indicators of wildlife responses to the state of the region's forests.
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