Building on the success of the 2013 monitoring report, VMC has worked with project leaders from several of VMC's flagship monitoring programs as well as other key monitoring programs from around the state to produce another installment of the annual monitoring report. This report provides an overview of the data collected in 2014, as well as a comparison of that data to the long-term trends and the greater context of the information presented.
In addition to updates to all the findings presented in 2013, this year we are excited to report on additional long-term datasets, including Aerial Detection Surveys that have generated statewide maps of forest disturbance going back to 1995, Sentinel Stream Monitoring that tracks conditions in undisturbed watersheds for signs of climate change, and Ozone Pollution Monitoring that looks for trends in atmospheric concentrations of ozone and its impact on sensitive plant species.
These trends will be updated yearly to provide an ongoing snapshot of the state and trajectory of key environmental variables in Vermont's forested ecosystems.