Special Data Collection

Lake Champlain Sea Grant

Lake Champlain Sea Grant Logo.
Outreach, education, and research for sustainable environment & economies

Our Mission

Lake Champlain Sea Grant develops and shares science-based knowledge to benefit the environment and economies of the Lake Champlain basin. We support outreach, education, and research for communities and business, state, and local leaders.

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What We Do

Basin Map

We put research into action in local communities. We provide residents, businesses, community organizations, and state and local managers and policymakers with tools, training, and science-based knowledge to sustainably manage Lake Champlain basin resources.

We increase knowledge about water resources and watershed health around the basin. We lead innovative, place-based classroom and virtual education programs, workshops, and events for students, teachers, professionals, and the public.

We fund research projects designed to inform policy decisions and management practices in the Lake Champlain basin, and we offer fellowships for graduate students and early-career scientists.

Our Organization

The Lake Champlain Sea Grant Institute receives federal funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Sea Grant College Program and partner funding through University of Vermont (UVM), the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh (SUNY-P), with UVM Extension, state and local government agencies, and numerous other organizations.

Learn more about Lake Champlain Sea Grant on our website: https://www.uvm.edu/seagrant/

Contact Lake Champlain Sea Grant

Phone(802) 656-4277
AddressUniversity of Vermont Aiken Center
81 Carrigan Drive
Burlington, VT 05405
Lead ContactAnna Marchessault