The annual request for proposals for our Ecosystem Monitoring Fund is shifting to later in the year. This shift will allow us to more efficiently utilize available resources, and will provide awardees with more time to plan and hire staff for work taking place during the summer field season.
We know this is a popular program and we value the contributions made by the fund recipients to understanding the region’s forested ecosystems in a changing environment. We are still working out some of the details of the new timeline, and plan to share additional information about the process and available funds no later than early fall.

Lead PI: Savannah Ferreira
Organization: State of Vermont Forests, Parks and Recreation and the Fungal Scientific Advisory Group
This proposal is seeking funds for 1) creation of a database of the known fungal species that have been documented in Vermont, and 2) to conduct two fungal forays in rare and/or threatened natural communities for species distribution and abundance. This database will be an aggregation and digitization of disparate fungal data sets to expand the relevance of future research related to carbon storage, old growth characterization and forest regeneration capacity, conservation needs, beginning to identify site specific fungi species to natural community assemblage patterning. The database will be used to create a checklist of fungi that currently and historically existed in Vermont and will be published and maintained at the Vermont Atlas of Life Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) server to Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) as a Darwin Core Standard (DwC) checklist dataset and archived with the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative. This checklist will be publicly available to expand on research and knowledge of fungi’s contribution to our New England forests. The planned fungal forays will supplement this database, by adding observations of fungal communities in rare and/or threatened habitats in Vermont.

Lead PI: Megan Grega
Organization: University of Maine
Climate change is expected to increase stress to forests. The red spruce (Picea rubens) forests of Maine’s coast are particularly vulnerable to such stress. These forests exist in coastal climate refugia south of their typical range, and it is unclear if the coast will continue to be a refugium as ocean and atmospheric temperatures rise. Despite the ecological, economic, and cultural importance of this forest type, we lack long-term monitoring studies in these unique coastal ecosystems. The goal of this study is to establish a long-term monitoring network focused on sensitive coastal red spruce forests and link patterns of daily and annual radial growth with climate extremes. We will conduct forest inventories (10 sites), monitor daily growth (using 100 automated point dendrometers that track small changes in tree diameter), and measure annual tree growth (using 300 xylem increment cores) across six coastal and four inland reference sites representing a broad range of climatic conditions. From these data we will address three objectives: (i) determine the climate conditions that lead to tree water stress (stem shrinkage) and growth through measurements of daily stem diameter, (ii) determine if the factors that govern daily growth are the same as those that govern annual growth, and (iii) establish a long-term coastal spruce forest monitoring network. By combining climate-growth relations with long-term monitoring efforts we will improve our ability to predict how red spruce forests will respond to future climate stressors.

Lead PI: Brad Oberle
Organization: New York Botanical Garden
As the world’s first old growth, urban research forest the Thain Family Forest (TFF) at the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) can provide an invaluable reference for regional forest ecosystem monitoring with upgraded data to address emerging needs. Climate change mitigation and adaptation require healthy forests, especially in cities. However, urban forest monitoring lacks an old-growth reference for soil carbon (C). Furthermore, urban soils may pose unique risks with increasingly heavy rainfall, which can remobilize accumulated heavy metals. This project will upgrade the TFF monitoring program to better understand current threats, historical trends and future directions of the urban forested landscape in the Northeast through four related objectives. First, we will follow an international standard for soil C monitoring aligned with the decades-old TFF Continuous Forest Inventory (CFI) program. Second, we will leverage existing hydrological instrumentation and the Soil Climate Analysis Network protocol by deploying the first local weather station focused on hydrology. Third, we will restart the first regional study of forest urbanization by remeasuring soil health, including heavy metal concentrations. Finally, we will implement our project in a sustainable, inclusive and equitable way by supporting the NYBG internship program and coordinating with a regional urban forest advocacy group.

Lead PI: Kyle Lima
Organization: The Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park
Climate change, invasive plants, and forest pests are rapidly changing forested ecosystems in the seven-state FEMC region. Detecting these changes early is critical to implementing cost-effective management and limiting the impact of disturbances. However, many forest disturbances likely go undetected until it is too late for cost-effective management because current monitoring protocols are labor intensive, focus on small monitoring plots which often miss invasive species, and require specialized skills. An early-detection system that can be applied over large spatial scales is needed to help protect forests and improve management of invasive species. We propose to fill this critical monitoring gap by engaging and inspiring the large, and rapidly growing, number of citizen scientists already interacting with protected areas. This project will be co-directed with the Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) who manages over 170,000 acres of land in over 150 preserves in coastal Maine. Together, we will develop an automated early-detection system that communicates observations and locations of species of management priority to forest managers that are reported in or near the 150+ preserves. We will supplement the general influx of citizen science data with organized BioBlitzes at MCHT properties that also serve to train and encourage a diversity of volunteer monitors. This early-detection system can continue indefinitely with minimal effort, can be transferable to any protected area or at any scale in the seven-state FEMC program area, and addresses two FEMC priority topics: monitoring invasive plants and pests.