State Coordinators

Provides guidance on details of finance and program activities for each state, and contributes to development of regional goals and work plans for the Cooperative

            The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative is governed by a Steering Committee that encompasses key partners from across the region. FEMC Working Groups provide input on the development and progress of active FEMC projects.

            When the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative expanded to become the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative, it did so by expanding its committee structure, and thus there are some committees that are still being formed. This page will be updated as those committees come together.

            Steering Committee

            Provides guidance on program policy and direction for VMC

            Working Groups

            FEMC Working Groups provide input on the development and progress of active FEMC projects. Right now we are not taking new members of any working groups, but if you'd like to be contacted to participate in future working groups pleae email Elissa Schuett.

            FEMC Working Group Expectations