Objectives: We used results from a 30 m resolution steady-state sulfur and nitrogen critical load exceedance model for New England to better understand the spatial connections between calcium depletion and red spruce productivity.
Principal Investigator: Ben Engel, Paul Schberg, Gary Hawley, Shelly Rayback
Laboratory: Schaberg/Hawley/Rayback Dendrochronology Collaborative
Recommended Citation: Engle BJ, Schaberg PG, Hawley GJ, Rayback SA, and Kosiba AM. 2016. Red spruce tree cores from Vermont.
Project Contents: Data for 12 Plots, 137 Trees, 256 Cores
Project Period: 2012-06-01 to 2016-12-31
Picea rubens
Data License: 
What's this?Description: In order to maximize the sample size and range of exceedance values assessed, this study utilized a large set of both pre-existing (Weverka, 2012, Kosiba et al., 2013, Kosiba et al., 2014) and newly collected red spruce xylem increment cores from VT and NH, for a total of 441 trees at 37 sites. These sites included 23 plots chosen to reflect a broad range of red spruce forest conditions (Weverka, 2012, Kosiba et al., 2013, Kosiba et al., 2014) and 14 new plots that were selected using a previously established critical load and exceedence model (NEG/ECP) to identify areas where: (1) red spruce were predicted to occur in the forest type module of the NEG/ECP model, (2) located on state and federal lands to streamline the issuance of collection permits, and (3) at locations where modeled exceedance values approach the positive and negative limits for the study area (−2 and +2 keq ha−1 y−1) to extend and balance the range of values assessed.
Related Publications:
- Engel, B. J., Schaberg, P. G., Hawley, G. J., Rayback, S. A., Pontius, J., Kosiba, A. M., & Miller, E. K. 2016. Assessing relationships between red spruce radial growth and pollution critical load exc View
Project Metadata
Taxonomic standard used: USDA Plants Database
How plots were selected: This study utilized a large set of both pre-existing (Weverka, 2012, Kosiba et al., 2013, Kosiba et al., 2014) and newly collected red spruce xylem increment cores. These sites included 23 plots chosen to reflect a broad range of red spruce forest conditions (Weverka, 2012, Kosiba et al., 2013, Kosiba et al., 2014) and 14 new plots that were selected using the following NEG/ECP model criteria to identify areas where: (1) red spruce were predicted to occur in the forest type module of the NEG/ECP model, (2) located on state and federal lands to streamline the issuance of collection permits, and (3) at locations where modeled exceedance values approach the positive and negative limits for the study area (?2 and +2 keq ha ?1 y?1) to extend and balance the range of values assessed.
How trees were selected: We collected cores from 10-12 dominant and codominant red spruce per plot.
Exclusion of trees (if any): Trees with obvious bole or crown damage or those growing in anomalous conditions were not selected.
How cores were collected: Two cores per tree were collected at breast height (1.37 m above ground level) with a 5 mm increment borer. Cores were taken at 180° to each other and perpendicular to the dominant slope to improve crossdating and avoid compression wood (Speer, 2010).
How cores were processed: Cores were mounted in grooved wooden blocks, sanded, and crossdated using the list method (Yamaguchi, 1991). Annual increments were microscopically measured to 0.001 mm resolution using a Velmex sliding stage unit (Velmex Inc., Bloomfield, NY) with MeasureJ2X software (VoorTech Consulting, Holderness, NH). The computer program COFECHA (Version 6.06P) was used to detect and correct potential crossdating errors in tree-ring series (Holmes, 1983)
Exclusion of cores (if any): No cores were excluded.
Added to the database: 04/25/2018
Last modified: 03/03/2022