Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Stream chemistry in 27 Catskills headwater streams (2010-2013): Stream Chemistry Measurements

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    We collected samples from 27 headwater streams in the Catskills that had been part of previous studies, monthly from June 2010 to July 2013. All samples were measured for a robust set of chemical parameters.


  • Charles Driscoll: Content Provider

  • Chris Johnson: Principal Investigator

  • Mary Margaret Koppers: Content Provider

  • Chris Gianfagna: Content Provider

  • Jeremy Tamargo: Content Provider

  • Sara Nieman: Content Provider

  • Ava Goodale: Content Provider

  • Joy Damon: Content Provider


  • stream chemistry,


  • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority NYSERDA: funder
  • Syracuse University : lead

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

    Data Table

    • Title: Stream Chemistry Measurements
    • Start Date: 2010-06-01
    • End Date: 2013-07-31
    • Description: Stream chemistry data for 27 headwater catchments in the Catskills, New York: 2010-2013.

    • Purpose:

    • Condensed Title: Z1718_3791_I2A0YF

    • Object Name: VMC.1718.3791

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Johnson, C.E., Koppers, M.M. (2021) Stream chemistry data for 27 headwater catchments in the Catskills, New York: 2010-2013. FEMC. Available online at:

    • Online Distribution:

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: AlIM_(umol/L)
      • Label: AlIM_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: AlOM_(umol/L)
      • Label: AlOM_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: AlTM_(umol/L)
      • Label: AlTM_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Al_uM
      • Label: Al_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: ANC_(ueq/L)
      • Label: ANC_(ueq/L)
      • Description: Modified gran titration
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: interval
      • Precision: 0.1
      Attribute Name: Ca_uM
      • Label: Ca_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Cl_(umol/L)
      • Label: Cl_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Collection_Date
      • Label: Collection_Date
      • Storage Type: date
      • Measurment Type: datetime
      • String Format: M/D/YYYY
      Attribute Name: DIC_uM
      • Label: DIC_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: DOC_uM
      • Label: DOC_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: F_(umol/L)
      • Label: F_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: K_uM
      • Label: K_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Lab_pH
      • Label: Lab_pH
      • Description: Potentiometric
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: interval
      • Precision: 0.01
      Attribute Name: Mg_uM
      • Label: Mg_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Month
      • Label: Month
      • Storage Type: int
      Attribute Name: Na_uM
      • Label: Na_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: NH4_(umol/L)
      • Label: NH4_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: NO3_(umol/L)
      • Label: NO3_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: PO4_(umol/L)
      • Label: PO4_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Sample_ID
      • Label: Sample_ID
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Si_uM
      • Label: Si_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: SO4_(umol/L)
      • Label: SO4_(umol/L)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Stream_Number
      • Label: Stream_Number
      • Storage Type: int
      Attribute Name: TN_uM
      • Label: TN_uM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: Year
      • Label: Year
      • Storage Type: int


    • No methods recorded for this dataset

    Sampling Equipment

    • Current Equipment
      • Field Sampling
        • Started: 2010-06-01
        • Sampling Description: Grab samples were taken from freely flowing areas of the stream in a 2-L HDPE bottle. The bottle was rinsed three times with stream water before the sample was collected. A full two liters of stream water was collected with no air bubble left in the bottle. Stream water was either filtered on-site or by the end of the day. The bottle was stored in a cooler until the water was filtered. Samples were filtered using a 0.45 µM membrane filter and a reusable Nalgene polysulfone filter holder. The filter was flushed with 250 mL of DIW, then 50 mL of stream water. Field pH was measured on this subsample. An additional 500 mL of sample was filtered and split into separate bottles for metals (LDPE; acidified to pH<2 with nitric acid), DIC (borosilicate glass, no headspace in the bottle), DOC (borosilicate glass), and a bottle with sample for the rest of the analyses (500 mL LDPE, no headspace in the bottle). All bottles were stored in a cooler until return to the lab. In the lab they were stored at 4°C.

      • Laboratory Measurement Methods
        • Started: 2010-06-01
        • Sampling Description: Samples were measured in the laboratory for the following analytes: pH | Potentiometric, ANC | Modified gran titration, Anions (F-, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, PO43- | Ion chromatography, Monomeric aluminum fractions | Colorimetric (pyrocatechol violet method), DIC | Combustion with a non-dispersive infra-red detector, DOC | Persulfate-UV oxidation, Metals (Si, Mg, Ca, Al, Na, K) | ICP-MS, NH4+ | Colorimetric (indophenol blue method), Total nitrogen | Combustion with a chemiluminescence photodiode detector

    Site Characteristics

    • No site characteristics recorded for this dataset