Profile picture for James Duncan

James Duncan

Affiliations: University of Vermont, RSENR

Contact Information


Jim Duncan serves as the director of the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative, where he's helping to make long-term monitoring data on Vermont's forested ecosystems more accessible, more interoperable and more useful for seeing and responding to change, as well as building new regional networks for greater collaboration in environmental monitoring. He also supports interdisciplinary teams in UVM's Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources with spatiotemporal analysis and integration of social and ecological data. He previously worked to increase transparency in the oil, gas and mining sectors by giving decision makers and citizens tools to map and interact with data, including in Mongolia and Ghana.

List of Projects

Project Role Start End
Mt. Mansfield West Slope Mid-Elevation Forest Meteorological MonitoringProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1996-09-01 Ongoing
Colchester Reef Meteorological MonitoringParticipant 1996-07-01 Ongoing
Mt. Mansfield East Slope Mid-elevation Forest Meteorological Monitoring (884m)Project Lead/Principal Investigator 1999-07-26 Ongoing
Mount Mansfield Summit MeteorologyProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1954-01-01 Ongoing
Long-term Soil MonitoringParticipant 2002-01-01 Ongoing
Burton Island Meteorological MonitoringProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2010-09-29 Ongoing
Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet): Continuous monitoring of elemental and reactive mercuryProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2005-05-01 2016-01-04
Wet Deposition of Mercury at Proctor Maple Research Center (Mercury Deposition Network-MDN)Participant 2004-07-27 Ongoing
Proctor Maple Research Center Meteorological Monitoring: (399 m)Project Lead/Principal Investigator 1988-06-01 Ongoing
Forest Health MonitoringParticipant 1991-06-01 Ongoing
National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN)Project Lead/Principal Investigator 1984-06-01 Ongoing
Forest Environmental Monitoring (Canopy Tower)Project Lead/Principal Investigator 1992-07-07 Ongoing
UV-B Monitoring Station in USDA National Monitoring NetworkProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1996-10-22 Ongoing
Colchester Reef Meteorological MonitoringProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1996-07-01 Ongoing
Diamond Island Meteorological MonitoringProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2004-05-21 Ongoing
CAMNET HazeCam, Burlington StationProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2001-06-01 Ongoing
Burlington Urban Forest Monitoring Using i-Tree EcoProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2011-08-31 Ongoing
Winooski Urban Forest InventoryProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2014-07-01 Ongoing


Name Date Authors Type
Jim's testJames DuncanDocument