Vermont Acid Precipitation Monitoring Program: Precipitation pH for two sites in Vermont
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► dataset_eml_metadataproviderheader
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► dataset_eml_abstractheader
Measurement of bulk pH and amount to determine spatial and temporal trends within Vermont, and specifically at the VMC site on Mount Mansfield.
► dataset_eml_peopleheader
- Heather Pembrook: dataset_eml_peopleprincipleinvestigator
- James Kellogg: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Judy Rosovsky: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Camilla Welhaven Schamaun: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Miriam Pendleton: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
► dataset_eml_locationheader
- dataset_eml_locationcords
- -72.8683, 44.52465
- -72.81591667, 44.52465
- -72.81591667, 44.5284
- -72.8683, 44.5284
- -72.8683, 44.52465
► dataset_eml_datatableheader
- dataset_eml_datatabletitle: Precipitation pH for two sites in Vermont
- dataset_eml_datatablestartdate: 1980-06-06
- dataset_eml_datatableendate: 2013-12-31
- dataset_eml_datatabledescription: Measurements of precipitation pH at Underhill and Mt. Mansfield summit
- dataset_eml_datatablepurpose: To determine spatial and temporal trends within Vermont, and specifically on Mount Mansfield.
- dateset_eml_datatableshortname: Z0009_VAPMP_1980_2014
- dataset_eml_datatablephysicalobjectname: VMC.9.2188
- dataset_eml_datatabledatatype: mySQL
- dataset_eml_datatablecitation: Vermont Acid Precipitation Monitoring Program: Precipitation pH for two sites in Vermont, 1980-06-06
- dataset_eml_datatableonlinedistribution:
► dataset_eml_attributelistheader
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: Date
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Date
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Date
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: date
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: datetime
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: pH
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: pH
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: pH
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: decimal
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: ratio
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: PrecipAmt
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: PrecipAmt
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: PrecipAmt
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: decimal
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: ratio
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: PrecipType
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: PrecipType
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Precipitation Type (S= Snow, R= Rain, M= Mixed)
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: StationID
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: StationID
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: StationID
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
► dataset_eml_methodsheader
- dataset_eml_currentMethodsHeader
- Precipitation and volume
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1980-01-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: Precipitation volume and pH are recorded on an event basis.
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1980-01-01
- Rain and snow collection
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: Rainfall is intercepted by a funnel and passes through a length of tygon tubing until it reaches and is collected in a one gallon jug. Snow is collected and melted indoors to completely melt before pH is measured.
► dataset_eml_samplingheader
- dataset_eml_noSamplingEquipment
► dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsheader
- dataset_eml_noSiteCharacteristics