Forest Bird Surveys: Forest Bird Monitoring Data (raw)
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► dataset_eml_metadataproviderheader
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► dataset_eml_abstractheader
The primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.
► dataset_eml_peopleheader
- Christopher Rimmer: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Kent McFarland: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Steven Faccio: dataset_eml_peopleprincipleinvestigator
- Charles Darmstadt: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
► dataset_eml_locationheader
- dataset_eml_locationcords
- -72.8403, 44.527427
- -72.816115, 44.527427
- -72.816115, 44.536363
- -72.8403, 44.536363
- -72.8403, 44.527427
► dataset_eml_datatableheader
- dataset_eml_datatabletitle: Forest Bird Monitoring Data (raw)
- dataset_eml_datatablestartdate: 1991-06-07
- dataset_eml_datatableendate: 2006-07-06
- dataset_eml_datatabledescription: Breeding bird survey using point counts with birds seen or heard recorded; raw data
- dataset_eml_datatablepurpose: The primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds.
- dateset_eml_datatableshortname: Z0011_RawData91_06
- dataset_eml_datatablephysicalobjectname: VMC.11.189
- dataset_eml_datatabledatatype: mySQL
- dataset_eml_datatablecitation: Forest Bird Surveys: Forest Bird Monitoring Data (raw), 1991-06-07
- dataset_eml_datatableonlinedistribution:
► dataset_eml_attributelistheader
► dataset_eml_methodsheader
- dataset_eml_currentMethodsHeader
- Bird counts
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-06-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: Counts began shortly aftern dawn on days where weather conditions were unlikely to reduce count numbers (i.e., calm winds and very light or no rain).
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-06-01
- Point count intervals
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-06-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: Observers recorded all birds seen and heard during a 10-min sampling period, which was divided into 3 time intervals: 3, 2 and 5 minutes. Observers noted in which time interval each bird was first encountered, and placed birds into one of 2 distance categories (within or beyond 50 m).
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-06-01
- Elevation-dependent sampling
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1999-05-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: The number of surveys at each site was dependent on elevation; montane fir-spruce sites were sampled once, LBWA and Underhill were sampled twice during the breeding season.
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1999-05-01
► dataset_eml_samplingheader
- dataset_eml_noSamplingEquipment
► dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsheader
- dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsdescription: An additional transect established in 1995 in Ranch Valley at 3300 ft.
- dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsdescription: Two transects established in 1991 on Mount Mansfield: One in Browns River Headwaters in mature northern hardwoods and one at summit in spruce-fir ridgeline forest.
- dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsdescription: Transects at Lye Brook established in 1999 in northeast area at 680 m elevation in northern hardwood forest.