Amphibian Monitoring at the Lye Brook Wilderness and Mt. Mansfield: Amphibian Survey and Monitoring Drift Fences 2009-current
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► dataset_eml_metadataproviderheader
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► dataset_eml_abstractheader
The Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas Project collects and disseminates data needed to make informed recommendations regarding the state status, state rank, and conservation of Vermont’s reptiles and amphibians.
► dataset_eml_peopleheader
- James Andrews: dataset_eml_peopleprincipleinvestigator
- Stephen Trombulak: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Kristianne G. Tolgyesi: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Katherine Wright: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Erin Talmage: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
► Organizations
- Vermont Monitoring Cooperative : funder
- Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas : lead
- Middlebury College : partner
► dataset_eml_locationheader
- dataset_eml_locationcords
- -73.0372, 43.0303
- -72.827737, 43.0303
- -72.827737, 44.542052
- -73.0372, 44.542052
- -73.0372, 43.0303
► dataset_eml_datatableheader
- dataset_eml_datatabletitle: Amphibian Survey and Monitoring Drift Fences 2009-current
- dataset_eml_datatablestartdate: 2009-04-03
- dataset_eml_datatableendate: 2013-11-01
- dataset_eml_datatabledescription: Combined amphibian survey and monitoring data 2009-2013
- dataset_eml_datatablepurpose: Data collection to make informed recommendations regarding the state status, state rank, and conservation of Vermont’s reptiles and amphibians.
- dateset_eml_datatableshortname: Z0000_AmphibianData_2009_2013
- dataset_eml_datatablephysicalobjectname: VMC.0.372
- dataset_eml_datatabledatatype: mySQL
- dataset_eml_datatablecitation: Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas
- dataset_eml_datatableonlinedistribution:
► dataset_eml_attributelistheader
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: Latin name
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Species Latin Name
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Latin name of the species observed
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: Status
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Status
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Method of detection
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: Date
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Date
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Date of observation
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: datetime
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: datetime
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: YYYY-MM-DD
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: County
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: County
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: County of observation
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: Town
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Town
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Town of observation
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: Names
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Observer's Names
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Name of observer(s)
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: SGCN
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Conservation Status
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Species of Greatest Conservation Need ranking, as defined by Vermont
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: ordinal
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
- dataset_eml_attributelistname: Method
- dataset_eml_attributelistlabel: Capture method
- dataset_eml_attributelistdescription: Method used to capture species
- dataset_eml_attributeliststoragetype: text
- dataset_eml_attributelistmeasurementtype: nominal
- dataset_eml_attributelistformatstring: DD/MM/YYYY
- dataset_eml_attributelistnumbertype: -1
► dataset_eml_methodsheader
- dataset_eml_currentMethodsHeader
- Fence locations
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-04-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: On Mansfield, drift fences located in the Browns River drainage. Two fences at 1200' (Proctor Maple Research Center) (1) in mixed northern hardwoods, (2) in hemlock stand; 2200' (off CCC road in Underhill State Park) in mixed northern hardwoods; and at 3200' (off Sunset Ridge Trail) in spruce and fir forest. No data collected in 2009.
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-04-01
- Monitoring sites
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 2008-04-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: At Lye Brook, monitoring restarted with three drift fences located outside of the north and south ends of wilderness area used for monitoring: 860' fence near Lye Brook Falls Access area, 2400' and 2700' fence off Branch Pond Road
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 2008-04-01
- Preparation and sampling
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-04-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: Drift fence bucket lids removed the day prior to anticipated heavy rain events, with samples collected after rain. Sampling done approximately 3 times per month, April through October.
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1991-04-01
- Length measurements
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1994-04-01
- dataset_eml_methoddescription: At each drift fence, length measurements were taken only on the first three individuals from each size class and species. Total length of specimens measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the body or tail. Snout-to-vent length also measured as length from tip of snout to vent or cloacal opening.
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1994-04-01
- dataset_eml_methodsPast (dataset_eml_notInUse)
- Drift fence location
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1993-04-01
dataset_eml_methodsEndDate: 2002-10-31 - dataset_eml_methoddescription: At Lye Brook, drift fences located outside of the north and south ends of wilderness area used for inventory: 860' fence near Lye Brook Falls Access area, 2400' and 2700' fence off Branch Pond Road.
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1993-04-01
- Drift fence location distinction
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1995-04-01
dataset_eml_methodsEndDate: 2002-10-31 - dataset_eml_methoddescription: At Lye Brook, only the lower elevation drift fence (860') was used for inventory, the two upper elevation (2400' and 2700') were used for monitoring
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1995-04-01
► dataset_eml_samplingheader
- Drift fences, buckets, snake traps
- dataset_eml_methodsStartDate: 1993-04-01
dataset_eml_methodsEndDate: 1995-10-31 - dataset_eml_samplingdescription: At Lye Brook, 3 drift fences constructed of straight sections of 30-meter lengths of aluminum flashing. 17-liter plastic buckets were placed at the end, with #10 tin cans with funnel tops in the middle. Screen "snake" traps also used.
► dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsheader
- dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsdescription: At Lye Brook Area, includes Lye Brook access area (840') and Branch Pond Road (2400' and 2700').
- dataset_eml_siteCharacteristicsMinAlt: 840 feet
- dataset_eml_siteCharacteristicsMaxAlt: 2700 feet
- dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsdescription: West slope of Mount Mansfield at 3 elevations: 1200', 2200' and 3200'
- dataset_eml_siteCharacteristicsMinAlt: 1200 feet
- dataset_eml_siteCharacteristicsMaxAlt: 3200 feet