Ambient Air Monitoring for Ozone: Ozone 1hr Bennington 1993-2009
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► dataset_eml_metadataproviderheader
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► dataset_eml_abstractheader
Determine compliance with 8-hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard (0.070ppm)
► dataset_eml_peopleheader
- Benjamin Whitney: dataset_eml_peopleprincipleinvestigator
- Richard Poirot: dataset_eml_peopleprincipleinvestigator
- Bennet Leon: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
- Robert Lacaillade : dataset_eml_peopleprincipleinvestigator
- Jenny Berschling: dataset_eml_peoplecontentprovider
► Organizations
- US Environmental Protection Agency : partner
- Division of Air Quality and Climate Vermont Agency of Natural Resources: partner
► dataset_eml_locationheader
- dataset_eml_locationcords
- -73.24984, 42.88759
- -72.86884, 42.88759
- -72.86884, 44.52839
- -73.24984, 44.52839
- -73.24984, 42.88759
► dataset_eml_datatableheader
- dataset_eml_datatabletitle: Ozone 1hr Bennington 1993-2009
- dataset_eml_datatablestartdate: 1993-04-01
- dataset_eml_datatableendate: 2009-09-30
- dataset_eml_datatabledescription: Measure of hourly ozone concentrations
- dataset_eml_datatablepurpose: Determine compliance with (1 hour) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (0.12 ppm).
- dateset_eml_datatableshortname: Z0036_Ozone1hr_Bennington_93_09
- dataset_eml_datatablephysicalobjectname: VMC.36.184
- dataset_eml_datatabledatatype: mySQL
- dataset_eml_datatablecitation: Please use the following citation: US Environmental Protection Agency. Air Quality System Data Mart [internet database] available via Accessed Month DD, YYYY.
- dataset_eml_datatableonlinedistribution:
► dataset_eml_attributelistheader
► dataset_eml_methodsheader
- dataset_eml_noMethods
► dataset_eml_samplingheader
- dataset_eml_noSamplingEquipment
► dataset_eml_sitecharacteristicsheader
- dataset_eml_noSiteCharacteristics