Monitoring for Impacts of Climate Change: Tracking and measuring outcomes in northeastern forests
University of Vermont, Davis Center, December 13, 2019

As our understanding of climate change and its impacts on forested ecosystems in the Northeast grows, many innovative efforts are being initiated to track, mitigate, and adapt to changing climate patterns. Following on the theme of the previous FEMC conference, this year's conference will focus in on the ways in which we can monitor and assess how impacts from climate change are being felt, and how we can evaluate the success of efforts to manage or mitigate these impacts.
The plenary session will center on what we can learn from climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, as well as efforts to assess climate change impacts on forested ecosystems. Presenters will address two key questions: 1) How are we monitoring the effects of climate change on our forested ecosystems? and 2) How do we monitor the effectiveness of our management efforts designed to prepare forested ecosystems for climate change? These conversations will continue throughout the day in our tracks of contributed talks and working sessions. As in past years, we offer opportunities for attendees to present their latest monitoring and research findings on the health, function and management of northeastern forest ecosystems, learn from others, and network through sessions of contributed talks, cooperator-proposed working sessions and a lively poster session and social hour.
The annual conference of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative provides an important opportunity for communication, exchange of ideas, and expanding collaboration around forest ecosystem management and monitoring in the region.
Who Should Attend
All policy makers, researchers, resource managers, students and other stakeholders who work or are interested in northeastern forested ecosystems.
Time and Date
Friday, December 13, 2019, from 9:00 - 5:30.
Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.
$26 per person ($24 per person if you register as a group of 3 or more). Registration closes at 5pm on Tuesday, December 10th. Click the registration tab to register.
With construction on UVM’s campus, there is a very significant change in the way parking will be handled during the conference. If you would like to park on Campus for the conference you will need to purchase a ticket via UVM's ticket service website ( no later than the end of the day on Wednesday 12/12 at 5:00 PM.
See our Meeting Day Resources page for more information
Offer a ride or find a ride here.
Continuing Education Credits
The conference has been approved for four Category 1 Continuing Forestry Education credits from the Society of American Foresters.
Contact Jim Duncan, FEMC Director.