Photo by Todd Ontl
Climate change continues to be a top threat facing the forests of the northeast and the people that depend on them. As temperatures warm and precipitation patterns shift, the cumulative responses of individual trees across the landscape will cascade to affect wildlife habitat, water quality, flood protection and economic values of forests.This year, the plenary session of the conference will focus on surveying the impacts of climate change on key forest ecosystem processes and services, with a focus on forests, wildlife and water.
Plenary speakers will address questions such as:
- What is the current state of the science on how climate change will impact our forested ecosystems?
- What impacts are we already seeing, and what should we expect in the future?
- How are people using monitoring programs and data synthesis to assess these impacts?
- What approaches might we take to manage these impacts?
- How do we monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of management to address these impacts?
As in past years, we will also offer opportunities for attendees to present their latest monitoring and research findings, learn from others, and network through sessions of contributed talks, cooperator-proposed working groups and a lively poster session and social hour.
Consider presenting your work at this year's Conference!
Our call for presentations, posters and working group sessions is now open.
The annual conference of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative provides an important opportunity for communication, exchange of ideas, and expanding collaboration around forest ecosystem management and monitoring in the region.
Who Should Attend
All policy makers, researchers, resource managers, students and other stakeholders who work or are interested in northeastern forested ecosystems.
Time and Date
Friday, December 14, 2018, from 9:00 - 5:30.
Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.
$23 per person ($21 per person if you register as a group of 3 or more). Registration will open in late October.
Information on where to park at UVM is available here, and a map of parking areas can be found here. We request that attendees park in the Gutterson lot, a short 5 minute walk from the conference venue. Vehicles with Vermont state or federal license plates can park without a permit.
Offer a ride or find a ride here.
Continuing Education Credits
FEMC will apply for Continuing Forestry Education credits from the Society of American Foresters. Last year's conference earned 4.5 Category 1 credits. Once the program is set, we will update the number of credits available here.
Contact Jim Duncan, FEMC Director.